الإتحاد العام للآثاريين العرب

الإتحاد العام للآثاريين العرب

The Idea behind Establishing

Upon meeting on the night of Thursday 26-12-2994, in Riyadh, the idea of establishing The Arab Archeologists League dawned upon the meeting Professors of Archaeology from Egypt, the Sudan and KSA. Their united hope and objective, lying before them, was to initiate a body that would consolidate the existing social and cultural links among archaeologists from the variety of Arab countries, following the example of Arab Historians League, Arab Lawyers League and Arab Legislators Leagues. They worked on spreading the word in conferences and collected archaeologists’ signatures at universities and institutions as well as Departments of Archeology and study centers.

Egypt was chosen to situate the Arab Archeologist League authorizing Prof. Ali Radwan and Prof. Mohamad Kahlawey to start it. The first to support it was the Department of Archeology and Museums Department in King Saud University. It was initially hosted at the Arab Council for Post-graduate Studies and Scientific Research at the Arab Universities Union, located in Cairo back then. In 1998, the first Arab Archeologists Association was announced by Prof. Farouk Ismail, Cairo University President at that time, and, Prof. Marwan Rasem Kamal Secretary General of the Association of the Arab Archeologists. Thanks to its policy of stressing collaboration among archeologists from all Arab regions, the association developed in a few years striking a link between the archeologists on one hand, and the progress in the study field of archeology on the other. In this respect, it could realize its initial goal of deeper cooperation and understanding among Archeologists in our bigger Arab homeland. Archeologists could meet their goals of collaborative research projects through the conferences, workshops, presentations and field trips arranged via the association. As a result of its growing number of members across many Arab countries, a need for coordinators emerged and a more sophisticated development was possible. This is how the Arab Association League evolved into the General Union for the Arab Archeologists as a necessity to address pressing challenges to Arab Archeology and Heritage. In 2003, the Union was officially announced and was accredited by the Arab Assembly the same year. The League of Arab States authorized the General Union for the Arab Archeologists as an acting body for protecting Arab heritage and delegated to it a number of causes and heritage files in Palestine, Iraq and Syria. Thanks to its independence, politically and financially, the Union could efficiently perform its pivotal role amidst changes, challenges and rivalry in the region.

Objectives of the General Union for the Arab Archeologists:

  1. Exchanging specialized experience and providing technical consultation to Scientific Centers on archeology and excavation work.
  2. Scientific exchange between Scientific Institutions and Research Centers in order to academically support archeology studies. Accessibility to the best and the most recent of research in the field would be higher.
  3. Activating the various fields of archeology work as contributing in excavation work, searching and the registration of new heritage sites all around the Arab World.
  4. Compiling an Arab Dictionary of specialized terms of Archeology in order to unify the jargon used in the field among all Arab nations which would facilitated understanding and cooperation.
  5. Issuing a periodical to circulate research papers written by Arab archeologists.
  6. Holding conferences and research events in all Arab countries in order to advance research in the field and consolidate cooperation among researchers.
  7. Arranging field trips to heritage sites in order to deepen awareness and understanding among researchers.
  8. Establishing a specialized library that would be a nucleus for a center of studies and heritage information in the Arab world.
  9. Establishing an archeology and heritage database.
  10. Documenting Arab heritage, archeology and legacy via CDs
  11. Protecting Arab heritage and remains from natural threats, human dangers or advancement of modern buildings.
  12. Training Arab Archeologists on Heritage awareness during restoration work and maintenance of historical buildings, cities and museums.
  13. Establishing an Information Unit for Archeology in order to register data and process it for academic and scientific purposes for the end of circulation.

The Information Unit aims at:

  1. Offering counseling studies on historical and archeological sites and cities and ways to protect them.
  2. Translating and publishing distinguished pieces of research in the field in a recognized and accredited academic journal.

iii.              Setting a unified plan for facilitating information exchange among universities and scientific centers.

  1. Holding training in excavation work and restoration as well as museum display and maintenance of historical and archeological buildings through a selection of specialized professors.
  2. Issuing periodical brochures on the results of excavation work.
  3. Issuing an Atlas for Archeology reflecting all Arab sites of heritage as well as historical cities and museums.

vii.            Producing documentaries in order to spread awareness of heritage among Arab nations.

viii.         Pursuing laws or trying to modify others in order to boost the protection of historical and heritage sites.

  1. Encouraging Arab governments to consent to heritage related international agreements as part and parcel of nation-wide legislation.
  2. Encouraging Arab governments to consolidate their cooperation with Arab NGOs in the service of heritage.

Achievements of the General Union for Arab Archeologist’s:

Thanks to 18 years of continuous investment in its causes, hard work and wise management, the General Union for Arab Archeologists achieved the following:

  • Members have reached 2768 in all Arab countries.
  • More than 5000 academic and scientific studies were issued in the fields of Monuments, Civilization, Restoration, Museums, Languages and Applied Linguistics that were delivered in a number of conferences and research events that took place in the Arab world.
  • Eighteen conferences were held among Egypt, Libya and Morocco.
  • A Scientific Journal was issued in the field of Monuments and Museums Studies which publishes Arabic, English, French and German. The journal is awarded 8 accredited points in the Supreme Council for Universities as one of the highest accredited publications.
  • The largest specialized library has been established comprising 13000 book and academic thesis in the field.
  • A collection of research and studies were published as short guides to the most famous of historical sites and arts in order to help spread awareness of Arab civilization and heritage.
  • The Union faced many archaeological issuesin the Arab World, specially in Palestine, Iraq and Syria
  •  The Union attained the NGO membership at the League of Arab Nations.
  • The Union attained a permanent membership at the Union of Arab lawyers.
  • The Union was recognized as a House of Expertise by the Arab Organization for Science, Culture and Education. It was granted a permanent Expert Membership.
  • The Palestine Administration at the League of Arab Nations has authorized the Union to work on the file of Jerusalem.
  • It was authorized to work on Iraq via the Arab League.
  • It has honored more than 50 Arab pioneering scientists in the field.
  • It has allocated prizes for young researchers in order to boost the quality of academic work.
  • It has realized communication and understanding in terms of setting language for research among academics and scientists from all around Arab nations via collaborative academic publishing.
  • It has arranged a number of field trips in Syria, Jordon, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya in order to spread awareness of the value of Arab heritage.
  • It has awarded the Shield of Archeology as a trophy to numerous presidents and kings for supporting research work on heritage, legacy and archeology.
  • It has participated in registering historical sites at the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • On 2016, EBSCO Information Services chose the Union’s publications to be circulated via its international web services.
  • It signed multiple training agreements with the Arab Organization for Science, Culture and Education as well as the National Institute for Heritage in Tunisia.
  • It was successful in establishing a joint protocol among the Union and Arab centers and bodies in order to protect our Arab heritage.
  • The Union has established a giant cultural body at Zayed as a gift from his Highness Sheikh Dr./ Sultan Mohamad El-kasemi, Member of the Supreme Council of the UAE and Rulers of El-Shareqaa.

Suggested Academic Program for Master’s Degree in the field of Monuments Studies, Museums and Historical Sites Management.

The management of the Union is looking forward to conduct specialized scientific and academic programs in cooperation with Arab, European and Asian universities and institutions from all across the world. Specialization fields comprise Monuments studies, Museum studies, Restoration Sciences, Heritage and Tourism in order to help spread awareness and build specialized caliber in the field.

The Union is looking forward to signing protocols of partnership and cooperation with European, Arab and Asian universities and research centers.

First: Prof. SalehLamie for Architectural Resoration and Restoration Accuracy.

Second: Regional Center for Coinage and Documents.

Third: Arab Center for Archives and Archaeological Documentation.

Fourth: The Regional Center forArcheological and Heritage Sites Management.

Fifth: The Arab Center for Maintenance and Historical Buildings Keeping and Heritage Sites.

Sixth: Arab Center for Museum Studies.

Seventh: The Regional Center for the Documentation of Archaeologicaland heritage Information.

Eighth: The Regional Center for Drowned Monuments.

Ninth: Use of Modern applications and technologies in the field of architectural and accurate restoration.

Tenth: the Regional Center for Patency and Intellectual Property Rights.

Eleventh: The Arab Center for Excavations andArcheaological Documentation.

Twelfth: The Arab Center for Tourism Development.

Thirteenth: The Regional Rehabilitation Center for the Preparation of Specialized Cadres and Leaders in the fields of Archeology and Museums Sciences.

Prof. Dr. Mohamad Mohamad EL-Kahlawey

Professor of Archeology and Islamic Architecture at Cairo University

Secretary General of the General Union of Arab Archeologists